George Kilmain

Part 2: Integrating Firebase with React Vite Project

It was easy to get up and running with React and Vite but what about connecting our project to a data source? Lets do it and see how we end up.

We'll use Firestore as our backend. Firestore adds real-time capabilities and a scalable backend to our application. And its SDK is easy to use.

Create Firebase Project:

To add Firebase to our react app, we first have to create a Firebase project. Head on over to the firebase console and click Add Project, provide a project name, and you're ready for to go.

Once the project is created you'll want to add Firebase to your web app. Register the app by giving it a nickname. Then click Register App. Next, we'll see instructions on how to add the Firebase SDK to our app. Copy this entire configuration, we'll need it in a minute.

Configure Firebase in React App:

Back over to our terminal and inside our react-vite-firebase project...

% pnpm install firebase

This'll install Modular Firebase, as opposed to Namespaced Firebase. Modular gives us tree shaking which removes unused code from your build resulting in a smaller bundle and faster app. Read more about the differences here. Once that is done installing we'll need to initialize Firebase in our app.

Open up the react-vite-firebase project in your favorite IDE. Under src directory we'll create a new file and name it firebase.config.ts. Paste in the configuration. There are two additional lines of code to add. First, import getFirestore:

import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore"

and then at the bottom of the file lets export our db:

export const db = initializeApp(firebaseConfig)

Now we can reference our db from our App.tsx file.

Lets get to it. Inside App.tsx add:

import { doc, getDoc } from "firebase/firestore"

We'll use these methods to query Firestore.

Also import your db:

import { db } from './firebase.config'

Then create a useEffect hook and paste this in. Replace YOUR-COLLECTION and YOUR-DOC-ID with a collection name and a doc id from your Firestore.

useEffect(() => { async function getData() { const docRef = doc(db, "YOUR-COLLECTION", "YOUR-DOC-ID");{/n} const docSnap = await getDoc(docRef); if (docSnap.exists()) { console.log("Document data:",; } else { // will be undefined in this case console.log("No such document!"); } } getData() }, [])

Sorry, I know that useEffect formatting is gnarly. Just go with it.

Final Step:

Fire up our Vite app by running % pnpm run dev, open up the console, and you should see your document data.

Perfecto. I hope this worked for you!

In my next post about React + Vite + Firebase we'll set up the local emulator. Right now you're querying the production database. While the free tier is generous I do recomend running the Firestore database locally. Check back soon for part 3!

Thanks for reading.